Padi Scuba Education Shark Conservation and Awareness
We are professional Scuba Diving Educators offering an extensive range of Padi Courses. We also provide tailored training for the individual.
Our Instructors have “been there, done that” and have many years of experience in scuba diving and teaching.
As a Padi 5-Star center, we offer the best learning experience in St Kitts.
Project Aware Course
The Padi Shark Conservation and Awareness course is a new “Project Aware” course.
It allows you to study and dive with 2 species of these beautiful marine animals.
The Caribbean Grey Reef Shark is common here and is easy to find.
Shark Conservation and Awareness – 1 Day
Academic Study – A study manual will be emailed to you.
Instructor presentation which can be completed before or after the actual dives.
2 boat dives on a regular dive day.
Padi-approved specialty course counts towards MSD.
Also available for our Cruise Guests.
What you need to know
Minimum of Open Water certification required. (This does not need to be “Padi”).
There is plenty of time in the course for you to take photographs of the Sharks and Rays and to enjoy your diving.
Standards for the course
This is an “experience” course. The intention is to raise your awareness of the role Sharks play in the Marine eco-system
All Student divers are required to complete a diver medical form.